前へ / 戻る / 下へ / 次へ

186 : ◆ry/ONdtLb. [sage]:2008/11/30(日) 08:28:58 ID:pIEJlch/0
    >                <
    > 英語の勉強をしましょう <
    >                <
                ∧λ              / ̄\
               (゚д゚ ) ̄ ̄ ̄\           ・
               / /  ヾ` ̄\  \       <エ
                / /    | ||   \  \          ・
              | |    |||    |   |      \_/
                 | |    l |l    i   |      |
             |   l   l | |    l    |        └─M&P by oneself
              |  |   | | |    |    |
                l   l   l  l |   |    |
             l    l  i  | |  l     |
             |    |   |  l |  |       |
             |    |   |  | |  |  sorid|

187 : ◆ry/ONdtLb. [sage]:2008/11/30(日) 09:58:35 ID:pIEJlch/0
 Example:omit ┃

One day, very hot day in summer,I finished work early and
went to my friend house.Myfriend was sleeping on the tatami.
She seemed to happy and defenseless.
"It's untidy..." I was about to look for Futon.Then,"that"caught
my eye.I murmured,"She's breast is bigger than me....."
I came to want to play a trick to her. I picked at her nipple
lightly and...

[These sentences were omitted. If you want to read more,
please write "Waffle Waffle".] \WWWWWWWWW/
─────y─────── ≫ Waffle!Waffle! ≪────
       ∧∧             ∧∧
      (,,゚Д゚)               (゚Д゚;)
      /  |              |  ヽ

188 : ◆ry/ONdtLb. [sage]:2008/11/30(日) 23:03:47 ID:pIEJlch/0
 attest ┃

       <She attested to arrest him.>

    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    | You stole my brassiere!!         |
    | I found your fingerprint in my room!  |
    \___  ___/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
          ∨    | No...! You surely mistake! |
                \______  ___/
        ∧_∧         ∧_∧
        (# ‘∀‘)          (・∀・ ;)
        (    つ[証]      ((ニXニ)‐)

189 : ◆ry/ONdtLb. [sage]:2008/12/02(火) 21:28:20 ID:Imkb0bva0
  boast/burst/boost ┃

           < He boast he can burst for boost. >

                <                                >
                <  Do your best toward the dreeeeeeeeeam!!!!!!!  >
                <                                  >

                               \ ∧ /,
                              \...〃 `';; “/ξ
                              ”\:;\' ;; :^/;o/V
       ┌───┐                  ,;.゚・;::∵‘
       |  Oh.  |                  ⊂  ⊃
       └─‐v─┘                       |  |〜〜
         ∧∧                     U^U
           (  ゚)
         /   )

前へ / 戻る / 上へ / 次へ
